Cleanings & Exams

A dental exam is a checkup of your teeth and gums. Making sure your oral health stays in good condition can avoid costly dental procedures later.

This Guide Will Include

Regular cleanings and exams are always recommended. Accumulation of plaque and calculus can cause a cascade of dental problems like tooth decay (cavities), bone loss, halitosis (bad breath), and eventually, tooth loss.

Your dentist or hygienist will likely discuss your diet and oral hygiene habits and might demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques. The exam gives your dentist a chance to provide tips on caring for your teeth and to detect oral health problems early — when they're most treatable."

Dental exams are usually performed by both a dentist and a dental hygienist. A dentist is a doctor specially trained to care for teeth and gums. A dental hygienist is a health care professional trained to clean teeth and help patients maintain good oral health habits. Although dentists can treat people of all ages, children often go to pediatric dentists. Pediatric dentists are dentists who have received additional training to focus on dental care for children.

Regular dental exams allow us to assess and diagnose any issues early and provide the most effective treatment for a dental or oral health issues in the early stages – saving you in the long run. Regular oral exams are necessary to maintaining your overall health and wellbeing.

The health of your teeth and mouth is very important to the well-being of your entire body, and while routine brushing and flossing at home is necessary to keep your smile looking its best, visiting your dentist for a comprehensive exam and cleaning is essential. The American Dental Association recommends that you visit your dentist every six months to ensure your teeth stay healthy and your smile stays beautiful.

Twice a year we should schedule a dental examination.

Who should get

Cleanings & Exams


The benefits of

Cleanings & Exams

The process of getting


Cleanings & Exams

procedure at Apex Dental Studio

  • You or your child will sit in a large chair. A bright overhead light will shine above you. The hygienist will clean your teeth using small, metal dental tools. He or she will scrape your teeth to remove plaque and tartar. Plaque is a sticky film that contains bacteria and coats teeth. If plaque builds up on teeth, it turns into tartar, a hard mineral deposit that can get trapped at the bottom of teeth.
  • The hygienist will floss your teeth.
  • He or she will brush your teeth, using a special electric toothbrush.
  • He or she may then apply a fluoride gel or foam to your teeth. Fluoride is a mineral that prevents tooth decay. Tooth decay can lead to cavities. Fluoride treatments are given to children more often than to adults.
  • The hygienist or dentist may give you tips on how to care for your teeth, including proper brushing and flossing techniques.

During a routine dental exam in at our comfortable dental offices, our dentist or dental hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth and evaluate oral health. At this time, a check for cavities and gum disease will be performed. An exam of the face and neck is conducted which includes the jaw, tongue, face, neck, and mouth for any abnormalities or issues. Various digital X-rays and other tests may be performed to evaluate your current teeth, bite, and jaw, along with oral health.

Our dentist may discuss your diet and exercise routine, your oral hygiene habits, and speak with you about how to improve or maintain your dental and oral health. If necessary, Dr. Hardin will recommend lifestyle changes to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime.

During your exam, your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other health problems. Your dentist may also want to take X-rays to see what is happening beneath the surface of your teeth and gums. Whether these X-rays are traditional or digital, the images provided will help your dentist discover dental issues not visible to the naked eye.

Cost of

Cleanings & Exams

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We’re here to make sure you have your best smile, so when you’re winning at life, you can wear it with pride. It's our way of celebrating with you.